Крым, визит президента. Мариуполь, 9 мая. Блокирование украинской воинской части: / ватные баяны :: песочница политоты :: путин :: Я Ватник (# я ватник, ) :: разная политота :: войс ньюс :: крым :: политика (политические новости, шутки и мемы) :: разное

ватные баяны Я Ватник путин политика песочница политоты крым войс ньюс разная политота 

Крым, визит президента.

Мариуполь, 9 мая.

Блокирование украинской воинской части:

Putin Visits Crimea to Celebrate Victory Day: Russian Roulette in Ukraine (Dispatch 37),News,,Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News On Friday, May 9, President Vladimir Putin of Russia visited Crimea for the first time after its annexation. He arrived at the Crimean port city Sevastopol during the Victory Day celebrations commemorating the triumph over Nazi Germany in World War II with a massive parade of Russian troops and veterans. The annual festivities quickly turned into a festival of Russian rule and a show of military power. Read more on vicenews.com: https://news.vice.com/article/in-photos-bloody-clashes-overshadow-victory-day-in-eastern-ukraine Watch all of VICE News' coverage of the conflict in Ukraine here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw613M86o5o7DfgzuUCd_PVwbOCDO472B Check out the VICE News beta for more: http://vicenews.com Follow VICE News here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vicenews Twitter: https://twitter.com/vicenews Tumblr: http://vicenews.tumblr.com/
Violent Clashes in Mariupol on Victory Day: Russian Roulette in Ukraine (Dispatch 36),News,,Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News In an effort to curb further unrest, the Ukrainian government canceled the majority of the victory day parades across the country. Commemorating the victory over Nazi Germany during WWII, victory day came at a convenient time for the pro-Russia rebels. Claiming they're fighting a fascist junta in Kiev, the Donetsk Peoples Republic used the symbolism of victory day to boost support for their independence referendum on Sunday. As the Donetsk city council organized an official celebration, a thousand few people gathered in the square listening to speeches with a heavy amount of soviet nostalgia. Halfway through, it was announced that there had been deadly clashes in Mariupol, a port city to the south. VICE News headed down there to investigate the clashes that proved to be another major escalation in the Ukrainian crisis. Read more on vicenews.com: https://news.vice.com/article/in-photos-bloody-clashes-overshadow-victory-day-in-eastern-ukraine Watch all of VICE News' coverage of the conflict in Ukraine here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw613M86o5o7DfgzuUCd_PVwbOCDO472B Check out the VICE News beta for more: http://vicenews.com Follow VICE News here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vicenews Twitter: https://twitter.com/vicenews Tumblr: http://vicenews.tumblr.com/
Pro-Russian Rebels Surround Military Academy: Russian Roulette in Ukraine (Dispatch 35),News,,Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News On Tuesday morning the Ukrainian government announced it had ordered the halting of flights at Donetsk airport and the closure of the airspace across the region. The airport was almost completely empty, except for a few stranded travelers. Later in the day, VICE News visited a Ukrainian regional military college where pro-Russia rebels had set up a perimeter surrounding the entrance to the building, blocking the road of any traffic. A Donetsk People's Republic spokesperson said they heard that the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist group Right Sector was going to seize the academy and use it as a base. In a sign of increased escalation, the militia in Donetsk was well equipped with AK-47s, RPGs, and even anti-tank missile launchers. "Donetsk Is Slipping Further Out of Kiev's Grasp" - https://news.vice.com/article/donetsk-is-slipping-further-out-of-kievs-grasp Watch all of VICE News' coverage of the conflict in Ukraine here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw613M86o5o7DfgzuUCd_PVwbOCDO472B Check out the VICE News beta for more: http://vicenews.com Follow VICE News here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vicenews Twitter: https://twitter.com/vicenews Tumblr: http://vicenews.tumblr.com/
ватные баяны,Я Ватник,# я ватник, ,разное,путин,политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы,песочница политоты,крым,войс ньюс,разная политота
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на первом видео очень весомым показалось мнение какого-то БЫВШЕГО ЧЛЕНА ДВИЖЕНИЯ ЕВРОМАЙДАН В КРЫМУ, то же самое, что вставить мнение любого пидораса.
i-eR i-eR 18.05.201402:03 ответить ссылка 0.2
это очкастенькЫй - про Крым ного видео делал - с уклоном в майданутых))
Но кадры хорошие))
illian illian 18.05.201402:31 ответить ссылка 0.3
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Я Ватник,# я ватник, политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы песочница политоты крымнаш ватные баяны разная политота

Как выбрать хороший крем от загара ...и 5 мифов о солнцезащитных средствах Стр. 15 ПОЛИТИКА ПРЕДВЫБОРНАЯ КАМПАНИЯ: НА СТАРТ, ВНИМАНИЕ, МАРШ! Стр. 2 В^тч ратят ■ —о дм» КРЫМСКАЯ СПЕРМА УМОЕТ ВЕСЬ МИР ■ За дозу спермы в Крыму платят сто гривен. Семенная жидкость идет на элитную косметику: Пр