/ James Fridman :: Photoshop :: фотошоп мастер (ps master)

фотошоп мастер James Fridman Photoshop 
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фотошоп мастер,ps master,James Fridman,Photoshop
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Слишком шакально, не вижу, что у нее в ведре.
Orcid Orcid 29.10.201813:51 ответить ссылка -5.1
Жареная рыба в тесте.
Zaur Zaur 29.10.201814:16 ответить ссылка 5.3
Тогда я бы уже совсем ослеп.
Orcid Orcid 29.10.201814:25 ответить ссылка 0.3
вот тут чуть побольше размер пикчи

Hey there! - are you able to edit this so I have wings?
Dzo1D Dzo1D 29.10.201815:13 ответить ссылка 4.2
с крыльями было эпичнее когда это были крылья от машины
Radekk Radekk 29.10.201819:03 ответить ссылка -0.9
IIIYXAPT IIIYXAPT 30.10.201801:45 ответить ссылка -0.1
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to me "r
James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com>
Hi James I love your work! I love this picture Fixed, but my stupid self couldn’t hold the 1 the right way. Could you fix it?

James Fridman Photoshop без перевода James Fridman Photoshop

Brinley to me "r @gmail.com> James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com> Hi James I love your work! I love this picture Fixed, but my stupid self couldn’t hold the 1 the right way. Could you fix it?
Eli1 — 3@yahoo.com> to me 3	James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com>
Can you please make it so the girl on the left isn't staring at my husband and 1? Thanks!	Done.

красивые картинки Photoshop master James Fridman

Eli1 — 3@yahoo.com> to me 3 James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com> Can you please make it so the girl on the left isn't staring at my husband and 1? Thanks! Done.
Ôtoà fjamie013
Robert Pearman
Hi James,
I love this photo of me and my girlfriend but I'm worried about sending it to my family.
Can you make it a bit less revealing please?
James Fridman O
^ @fjamie013
Of course.

James Fridman фотошоп без перевода James Fridman Photoshop

Ôtoà fjamie013 Robert Pearman Hi James, I love this photo of me and my girlfriend but I'm worried about sending it to my family. Can you make it a bit less revealing please? James Fridman O ^ @fjamie013 Of course.
can you make us look older and at a party or something
<- fjamie013
QP	(O) Reply

James Fridman Photoshop фотошоп мастер,ps master

can you make us look older and at a party or something <- fjamie013 QP (O) Reply Sure.
to me ▼
Hi Jamie.
Can you please make it chair because its not aesthetic . Thanks
James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com>
As you wish.

James Fridman Photoshop фотошоп мастер,ps master кресло

(fflgmail.com> to me ▼ Hi Jamie. Can you please make it chair because its not aesthetic . Thanks James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com> As you wish.