Создали клей, который стягивает раны, будущее наступило
Биоинженеры Университета Сиднея и США презентовали недавно новый хирургический клей, который исключит необходимость использования швов и скоб. Он сохраняет ткани эластичными и мгновенно закупоривает ранки, а потом рассасывается за определенное время (время можно запрограммировать).Сейчас клей переходит в стадию клинического тестирования.
Видео с описанием клея
Оригинальная статья
Surgical glue - breakthrough medical technology that could save lives,Education,Sydney,university,education,student,study,learn,how-to,USyd,Australia,college,research,University of Sydney,medicine,medical technology,health,wellness,Read the full media release: https://sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2017/10/05/_squirtable_-elastic-surgical-glue-seals-wounds-in-60-seconds.html Biomedical engineers from the University of Sydney and the United States have collaborated on the development of a potentially life-saving surgical glue, called MeTro. A highly elastic and adhesive surgical glue that quickly seals wounds without the need for common staples or sutures could transform how surgeries are performed. MeTro’s high elasticity makes it ideal for sealing wounds in body tissues that continually expand and relax – such as lungs, hearts and arteries – that are otherwise at risk of re-opening. The material also works on internal wounds that are often in hard-to-reach areas and have typically required staples or sutures due to surrounding body fluid hampering the effectiveness of other sealants. Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/2czTNH3 Connect with us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sydneyuni Twitter: https://twitter.com/sydney_uni Instagram: https://instagram.com/sydney_uni
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