Робокоп образца 1924г.
14 Science and Invention for May, 1924 Radio Police Automaton AERIAL TELEGRAPHONE Л RADIO CONTROL CAR—-^ BATTERIES DYNAMO" ENGINE} EXHAUST. TEAR GAS OUTLETS STABILIZING) CYR05C0PES 4BALL.J0INTSX IN legs.Lmotor ACTUATED CATERPILLAR TREADS -LOUD SPEAKER RADIO CONTROL CABINET \__GASOLINE *TANK AND ENGINE AS ¡I wd! »nnm. radio can to wrf today to prnJir.« stcbiiu! rfrcl» at a dittiact. Thu m vt о too»* 1» tain trle-irxctanic». Many r«r» at« already It »a» мя*1« t» »tart Jfd opereta »«kiele» aoi *ut>:Miy «nlir«ly ky radie. The United Statu «РУ a little ero a >*»/ a(o oaeratM th» »arihi« "lo»a" ealitrly by ratio. Th« tint cl tb« beütr». th« itma; it tb* »hip uA all the centredi mre entirely «freted by raf»». Tht RaCit Avtcsaloa a( doctoird e* this papt ar.i In our tc-rr <<»ips b therefor« rut a «4M «'«л», bat it can b* coiitnicled br a» ant with man» araitabb tetar- Th« Rat« Aoteeaton conta* tht nacíiintry a» »hon io мг UtntratiM »hu» c«»P'iit» a pa coli*« ««♦*=«. a retío tort rol cabintt. a t«lr«r*pkenr. a '-.ad iptaktr. a »yrMCOp« ant alhtr ainitury anuraUi. Th« Aatenatos ¡I Hat «riet by tk »Ubiliaini U'ikihi Th» aachioe <wi nc« r«alf» «alk IIU a hinan torno, »ut rattor «hi«» *i*c« tb« reafl Orer ait «totact«» kr Ito teall catrrpdWr triclt-i attachai ta th« fret. ТЫ» n»U» It onrecmiry tir tto Autonaton te takr »tip», a ni the nachita »i'l th«rtfor« р-иге» by a «irlmj notion »kick b «uiU ratal. Sech a raxkini anuid uta to I« «xcttdirflty «blurtlt te Afptrt» osb». «r hr «ar KirpoK» ant tren far iniuitml turpeoti. Is tito юнг illintralhn h »he»T» th« por«» car »hieh control» alt th« norte ent» et a rejieent ot »ach autocall. Гог AjMinj ■tb» «и» i» **С* of t«ar lat «frith b imiur« *=d »trieb ihre mit Th« amu ai« o-enidri »Ith и fei)tic Irado. Tbrae act Эг It U a tut oiler a nob it » «сенату., »rich carry trad ball» in actieir. For nl|ht attack the Alienate* b onjrrdei «ith cre-ti|hti a--i the lend »pritrr I» Md to »boat trim to th« nob »bib ответ» can to (inn iirrcl fr«» the radio cenlrol car. Inunuch u ttii tar I» aheay» ia thr rtar o! the Automata It can »atih ttoir nore-■rati and direct thru at «eceuitatrd by cireumtaKei. А» a cloir kani-t> taod fthlito ifacbint th« Radio Aotceoata hat no Mjaat. Bullet-. do net affect tk«a ani if ««upped «Hb a t»«ty to forty H P. re««, they «»II bl »ell al|Pl lrre»i»t.k!e They probably hue so wpertor for flfhUeo nob» *» If er purpenes. ива Mechanical Cop Powiblt Distant Control by Radio Makes By H. GERNSBACK
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